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pArt of Science

As researchers, when we explore something, we are passionate about sharing it in a way that would be received more easily. We write articles; we do presentations, and visual materials: photography, microscopy images, basic sketches, detailed illustrations, 3D models, are often the best narrators of our research.

Visual communication tools are powerful ways to grab the attention of the audience and enhance the memorability of the subject. Similarly, throughout my research, I needed visual materials to tell my story.



“It should be remembered that nothing in Nature stands alone; but that every art and science has a relation to some other art or science, and that it requires a knowledge of these others, as far as this connection takes place, to enable us to become perfect in that which engages our particular attention.”

-John Hunter, MD

1728-1793, UK

Betül Aldemir Dikici

Design & Copyright  2020 by Baldemir ©

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